A New Day Comes

July has passed and August is acquainting herself with us.
July was jam packed with developments with H(u)ny Mother ~

₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚ As the founder Jaelyn Elizabeth was able to go to Charleston, South Carolina to convene with other Black folx who were awarded a scholarship from the Young Black Climate Leaders Program (YBCL) through the People’s Climate Innovation Center. “YBCL supports a growing, vibrant ecosystem of young Black leaders successfully advocating for and transforming their communities for racial and environmental justice with access to support, resources, and funding while transforming the broader climate movement.” Learn more about our efforts here. The space(s) were curated around the theme Dreaming While Black - Healing, Self-Determination, Power & Liberation. The all Black-femme programming and leadership team created an amazing experience that left me inspired, motivated, and renewed. The 3 day convening included a reception at the International African American Museum (IAAM), a walking tour of local community organizations including Lowcountry Alliance for Model Communities (LAMC), an intergenerational panel on Blackness and environmental justice and a keynote speech from Vernice Miller Travis on “Blackness As The Mother of Innovation and Liberation in EJ Spaces (Sankofa, Afrofuturism & beyond) and many other expanding, information opportunities. Personally, I was able to explore the charming town of Charleston ~ I went to Fort Sumter and explore where the first shots of the Civil War were fired, had some amazing food, and connected to the Southern locals.
This opportunity has expanded the possibilities for H(u)ny Mother as the funding provided will expand our programming for a year with an incredible offering being announced at the beginning of 2025.

₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚ The plot at Mirasol Community Garden is popping off!! We will have more service days for the garden soon
₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚ Be on the look out for announcements for our winter programming coming sooon

Thank you so much for keeping up with our work :)


Mid-Year Inventory